Slang Abbreviation


2day Today

4get Forget

4got Forgot

Aamor As a matter of fact

Abt About

Acc Account

Adcomsubordcomphibspac Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet Subordinate Command.

Afaiaa As far as I am aware

Afaik As far as I know

Aka Also known as

Alr Alright

Ama Ask me anything 

Anw Anyways

Af As Fuck

Afk Away from Keyboard

Asap As soon as possible 

Asl Age Sex Location

Asf As Fuck

B2K Back to Keyboard

B4 Before

Bbc Bitch be cool

Bbl Be Back Later

Bc Because 

Bff Best Friends Forever 

Bffr Be Fucking Foreal

Bmf Be My Friend

Bmt Biting my tongue

Bm&y Between me and you 

Blnt Better luck next time

Bofh Bastard Operator from Hell

Boya Blow it out your ass

Brb Be right back

Btdt Been there done that

Btw By the way

Bwc But who cares

Byw Boo you whore

Cba Can't be asked

Cid Consider it done

Cl Cool

Cm Call me / Come

Cos Because

Crbt Crying really big tears

Ctn Can’t talk now

Cwot Complete waste of time

Cwyl Chat with you later

Cuz = Because

Cya See ya

Dbi Don't beg it

Dc Don’t care

Dctm Don't chat to me

Dfu Don't fuck up

Dfwm Don't Fuck with me

Dg Don’t go

Dgaf Don't give a fuck

Dh Dickhead

Diku Do I know you

Diy Do it yourself

Dk Don't know

Dm Direct message

Dnd Do not Disturb

Don8 Donate

Dtf Down to fuck

Dw Don’t worry

Dwk Dirty white kid

Dym Do you mind

Dyt Don’t ya Think

Edp Eat dat pussy

Em Excuse me

Eol End of the Longest Line

Eyl End your life

F Female

F2P Free To Play

F4M Female for Male

F8 Fate

Fbf Flashback Friday

Fbo Facebook Official

Ff Friends Forevermore

Ffs For Fuck Sake

Fkn Fucking

Fm Fuck Me

Fml Fuck my life

Fng Fucking new guy

Fomo Fear of missing out

Fr For real

Fts Fuck that shit

Ftw For the win

Ftx Female to X

Fubar Fuck up beyond all recognitions

Fw Fuck with

Fwm Fuck with me

Fyi For your information

Fyr For your records

Fys Fuck your self

G4u Good for you

Gby God bless you

Gc Good call

Gf Good fight

Gfm Go fuck myslef

Gfy Go fuck yourself

Gg Good game

Ggwp Good game well played

Gj Good Job

Gl Good Luck

Gm Good morning

Gmfu Got me fucked up

Gn Good night

Gna Gonna

Gng Gang

Goat Greatest of all Time

Goty Game of the Year

Gr8 Great

Gt Good try

Gtfo Get the fuck out

Gtfoh Get the fuck out of here

Gtg or G2g got to go

H8 Hate

Hb Hurry Back

Hbd Happy Birthday

Hf Have fun

Hlo Hello

Hlw Heylow

Hmb Hit me back

Hmu Hit me up

Hru How are you

Htf Hard to find

Hw Homework / How

Hwga Here we go again

Hy Hi

Hybd How you been doing 

Iab I am bored

Ibb I'll Be back

Ibr I'll Be Real

Ic I see

Icl I can’t lie

Ic Ic see I see

Icup I see you pee

Icymi In case you missed it

Idc I don't care

Idec I don’t even care

Idek I don’t even know

Idfc I don’t freaking care

Idfk I don’t freaking know

Idgaf I don't give a fuck

Idgi I don't get it

Idgy I don't get why

Idk I don't know

Idkts I don’t know this shit

Idts I don’t think so

Idkwts I don’t know what to say

Idwts I don’t want to say

Idr I don't remember 

Idwk I don't wanna know

Idwt I don't want to

Ig I guess

Igs I guess so

Ign In game name

Igz Internet gaming zone

Ihe I've had enough

Ijdc I just don’t care

Ijdk I just don’t know

Ik I know

Ikr I know right

Iirc If I recall correctly / if I remember correctly 

Ily I love You 

Imma I am going to

Imk In my knowledge 

Imo In my opinion

Imp It's my pleasure

Irdc I really don't care

Irdk I really don’t know

Irl In real life

Istg I swear to God

Iswydt I see what you did there

Jdc Just don’t care

Jdk Just don't know

Jsyk Just so you know

Jk Just Kidding

Jw Just Wondering

Kam Kill all Men

Kir Keep it real

Klm Calm

Kys Kill yourself / Keep yourself safe

L8r Later

Lawl Laughing at who’s laughing

Lcl Local

Li Learning Interactive

Lly Licking love you

Lma Leave me alone

Lmao Laughing my ass of

Lmfao Laughing my fucking ass of

Lmb Lick my balls

Lmk Let me know

Lms Like my status

Lmt Let me think

Lo Learning Objective

Lol Laugh out loud

Lool Laughing Outlandishly out Loud / Laughing Outrageously out Loud

Ltns Long Time No See

M Male

M4F Male for Female

M8 Mate

Mbn Must be nice

Mc Main Character

Mcm Man crush Monday

Md Markdown

Mf Mother Fucker

Mfer Motherfucker

Mk Uhm, okay

Mo Move On

Mtf More to follow / Male to Female

Myob Mind your own business

N2day Not Today

Na Not available

Nap Not a problem

Nbd No big deal

Ngl Not gonna lie

Ninja No income no job no assets

Nm Not much / Nevermind

Np No problem

Nsfw Not safe for work

Ntm Not to much

Ntn Nothing

Nthg Nothing

Nthn Nothing

Ntmu Nice to meet you

Ntr Netorare

Nunya Non of ya business

Nvm Nevermind

Nw No way

Ny1 Anyone

O Oh

Ofc Of Course

Og Oh god

Ohk Oh okay

Ohn Oh hell no

Okk Okay okay love

Okok Ok ok ok

Omfg Oh my fucking God

Omg Oh my God

Omw On my way

Oof Out of office

Ootd Outfit of the day

Pab Pussy ass bitch

Pawg Porn ass white girl

Pcm Please Call Me

Pf Profile

Pfp Profile Picture

Plo Please Love out

Pls Please

Plz Please

Pm Private Message

Po Piss Off

Pog Play of the Game

Potd Photo of the day

Ppl People

Prvsly Previously

Prw People are watching

Ptfo Passed the fuck out

Ptia Pain in the ass

Ptib Pain in the butt

Rawr Right answer wrong reason

Rip Rest in peace

Rly Really

Rn Right now

Rnn Really not necessary

Rofl Rolling on the floor laughing

Roflmao Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

Roflmfao Rolling on the floor laughing my fucking ass off

Rpt Report

Rt Retweet

Ruok Are you okay

Sah Sexy as hell

Sb Stand by

Sdfu Shut da fuck up

Sen Special Education Needs

Sete Smiling Ear to Ear

Sfw Safe for work

Sit Stay in touch

Sjw Social Justice Warrior

Skl School

Slg Spoiled little girl

Sm Senior Moment

Sma Suck my ass

Smd Suck my Dick

Smfh Shaking my fucking head

Smh Shaking my head

Sn Say nothing

Sos Save our souls

Srsly Seriously 

Ssdd Same shit different day

Std Swear to God

Stfd Sit the fuck down / Shut the front door

Sth Something 

Sthu Shut the hell up

Stfu Shut the fuck up

Str8 Straight

Su Shut Up

Sup What's Up

Sym Shut your mouth

Sys See you soon

T+ Think Positive

Tb Text back

Tba To Be Announced

Tbf To be fair

Tbh To be honest

Tbl Text back later

Tbt Throwback Thursday

Tc Take Care

Tf The fuck

Tfa Thanks for asking

Tff Too freaking funny

Tgc Take good care

Tgif Thank god it's Friday

Tho Though

Tht That

Thx Thanks

Tldr Too long didn't read

Tmi Too much information

Tmrw Tomorrow 

Tq Thank you

Ttf That's the fuck

Ttyl Talk to you later

Ttyn Talk to you never

Ttys Talk to you soon

Tx Thanks

Txt Text

Ty Thank you

Tysm Thank you so much

Tyvm Thank you very much

U2 You Too

Urg You are gay

W8 Wait

Wap Wet ass pussy

Wb Welcome back

Wbu What about you

Wcw Woman Crush Wednesday

Wdid What do I do 

Wdnc We do not care

Wdym What do you mean

Wyo What you on

Wyoab What you on about

Wdywfm What do you want from me

Wdyt What do you think

Wdywt What did you wear today

Witb What's in the bag

Witw What in the world

Wiyd Watch if dare you

Wlcm Welcome

Wnwy What’s new with you

Wtaf What the actual fuck

Wtf What the fuck

Wtv Whatever

Wwid Wonder why I'm depressed

Wy Why

Wya Where you at

Wyd = What you doing

Wym  What you mean

Wymm Will you marry me

Wyoab = What you on about

Wys What you saying

Wytm What you telling me

Wyw What you want

Wyut What you up to

Xd Happiness or Laughter

Xlnt Excellent

Xoxo Hugs and Kisses

Xup What’s up 

Y Why

Yea Yay

Ygm You’ve gotten mail

Yh Yeah

Yk You know

Ykwbs You know what’s bullshit

Ykwim You know what I mean

Yolo You only live once

Yp Your Problem

Ysyl You snooze, You lose

Yt = Youtube

Ytp = Youtube Poop

Yw Your Welcome


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