Pronouncing the Slangs

 Hello = Normal

Ello = Mandem

There = Normal

Dere = Mandem

Then = Normal

Den = Mandem

Those = Normal

Dose = Mandem

These = Normal

Dese = Mandem

Than = Normal

Dan = Mandem

Them = Normal

Dem = Mandem

Things = Normal

Fings = Mandem


Think = Normal

Fink = Mandem

Like = Normal

Laek = Mandem

Some = Normal

Sum = Mandem

People = Normal

Paepul = Mandem

But = Normal

Baot = Mandem

Talk = Normal

Tal' = Mandem

Chat = Normal

Cha' = Mandem

Shit = Normal

Shi' = Mandem

Trying to  = Normal

Tryna = Mandem

Crying to  = Normal

Cryna = Mandem

Your  = Normal

Ur or Yah = Mandem

Big  = Normal

Beig = Mandem

Its = Normal

Itz = Mandem

Say it = Normal

Sayyit = Mandem

Chat it = Normal

Chattit = Mandem

Shut up = Normal

Shuppp = Mandem

That = Normal

Dat = Mandem

Look = Normal

Luk = Mandem

At = Normal

'Aat = Mandem

Shut up = Normal

Shuppp = Mandem

Get ya= Normal

Geya = Mandem

This = Normal

Dis = Mandem

Fucking = Normal

Fokkin = Mandem

Dum = Normal

Dom = Mandem

Imma = Normal

'mma = Mandem

Can I = Normal

Canna = Mandem

Can't I = Normal

Ca'nta = Mandem

Chat On = Normal 

Chatton = Mandem

Gay = Normal

Geii = Mandem

Day = Normal

Daee = Mandem

Hey = Normal

Haee = Mandem


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